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The Council of Scottish Clans and Associations (COSCA) Strategic Planning Committee was created in July 2019 at the Annual General Meeting (AGM) at the Grandfather Mountain Highland Games in North Carolina. Chairman John Cochrane wrote in the August 2019 edition of The Claymore that the group “will propose to the full Board changes in policies, practices, and procedures to bring our programs and services into the 21st Century.” After several teleconference calls, Chairman Cochrane provided a “Strategic Planning Update” in the July 2020 edition of The Claymore:

“Specific areas of discussion have centered on social media usage, providing an outlet to our members highlighting their Clans and Organizations, and streamlining our communication between COSCA’s members and leadership. Additionally, we are working on providing a survey to both our current and former members. The information which you will provide in the survey is crucial in our plan development; please be as frank and detailed as possible in your responses. Those responses will go a long way in improving our organization.”


The committee created and distributed links to three different surveys, targeting COSCA leadership, current members, and lapsed members. Please see a summary of the results in the appendix.


In the January 2021 edition of The Claymore, the Chairman noted that the results of the surveys have “allowed us to examine not only our roles and responsibilities to you, our members, but also see where we can improve in order to promote our member Clans, Organizations, and Associations.” Specifically, he noted that the committee would recommend strategies for (1) improving our communication mediums and ensuring they are up to date, timely and informative; (2) increasing our outreach efforts to both non-member Clans, Organizations, and Associations and other entities in order to promote Scottish culture; and (3) looking for additional sponsorship in order to provide our members additional benefits, as well as provide COSCA more bandwidth and finances to accomplish our mission.


After two years, the committee has finalized this report that provides specific strategies for COSCA’s services, communications, management, and sponsorship opportunities. This completes Phase I of the five-year strategic planning process. If the COSCA board approves this report, the committee will enter Phase II by implementing these recommendations over the next two years. Phase III, in the fifth and final year, will consist of evaluating the results of our strategic efforts and make recommendations to the Board regarding the next Strategic Planning cycle.


Download the Strategic Planning Committee Report of June 2021 here.


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