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The information used in this list of clan and family tax-exempt corporations is drawn directly from the U.S. Internal Revenue Service (IRS) database. Several clan and family societies linked from the “Find My Clan” online service are based in Scotland and do not have an associated American corporation. Other societies exist only as informal groups (such as on Facebook.) These have not incorporated and have not received a letter of tax-exempt determination from the IRS. Over 30 of the corporations are noted as “revoked” since, by law, all organizations that do not file a required annual information return or notice for three consecutive years automatically lose their tax-exempt status. If your corporation’s tax-exempt status is revoked, please contact the IRS. If your society is not listed, please provide your Employee Identification Number (EIN) to Bart Forbes at If your society is listed in the IRS database, it will be added.
Tax-exempt corporations are listed alphabetically by the associated surname. Click on the name of the organization for more details.
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