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St. Andrews Society of North Carolina





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The St. Andrew's Society of North Carolina was formed in order to venerate our Scottish beginnings; perpetuate its values of culture and integrity that characterized our ancestors, promote a fellowship among Scottish kith and kin in North Carolina, extend assistance and counsel to unfortunates amongst our clans, encourage Scots everywhere to delve deeper into the colorful Scottish history and proud traditions, in our State as well as the rest of the world, which was the hallmark of the Apostle of Old from whom our name derives.

North Carolina students must be bona fide residents of this state, either a native or a resident for an appreciable number of years. They must have at least one prominent Scottish line in their ancestry. It is expected that they will enroll in a Scottish university. The choice of university and curriculum is left to the student who must handle all arrangements with the university. Scottish students must be natives or have resided in Scotland for an appreciable number of years. The student must enroll in an institution of higher learning within the state of North Carolina. The choice of university, as well as curriculum, is left to the student who must handle all arrangements with the university.

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