If your clan or family society is engaged in researching your ancestral home or associated castles, you may want to take advantage of the grants offered by the Castle Studies Trust.
The Trust has announced that it is now accepting applications for the 2025 grant awards. The Trust award grants of up to £10,000 fund or co-fund projects that advance the understanding of castles. These projects could include excavations, geophysical surveys, and topographical surveys, as well as scientific tests and digital reconstructions. The closing date is Friday, November 29, 2024.
Each project should be for an achievable specific result that will help advance the understanding of the studies of castles. Examples include:
Site-based survey work (e.g. geophysical, architectural, topographical)
Scientific tests on objects/materials from a castle site (e.g. radiocarbon dating)
Review of historical sources (only as part of a Castle Studies Trust funded project)
Pieces of work, such as reconstruction drawings, which would help the public understanding of a castle site.
While the previous year of grants were dedicated to sites in England, over the past ten years, the Trust has funded seven projects in Scotland:
2023: Dunoon Castle, Argyll and Bute, Scotland (£6,370). Clans: Stewart, Lamont
2021: Caerlaverock Castle, Dumfries and Galloway, Scotland (£8,700). Clan: Maxwell
2021: Castle of Old Wick, Sutherland and Ross, Scotland (£3,470). Clans: Sutherland, Oliphant, Dunbar.
2020: Westness Castle or "The Wirk," Rousay Island, Orkneys, Scotland (£7,612). Clan: Traill
2019: Druminnor Castle, Aberdeenshire, Scotland (£4,020). Clan: Forbes
2018: Keith Marischal House: East Lothian, Scotland (£2,340). Clan: Keith
2014: Tibbers Castle, Dumfries and Galloway, Scotland. Clans: Siward, Seton, Randolph, Crichton.
If you are Delegate or Alternate of a COSCA Organizational Member, you can access the complete article with many more details here: https://www.cosca.scot/castles-studies-trust